first trimester

We're Expecting Again! Comparing My 2 First Trimesters


Taylor and I are so excited to announce that we’re expecting our second baby in November 2020! And since we’re an unconventional family, we chose to announce our news in an unconventional way — with four different sized gin bottles, ha! (Gin is Taylor’s favourite drink.) This pregnancy is already so different from the first — the first time around I barely experienced any morning sickness, but this time I was constantly queasy for almost the entire first trimester. I was looking back at my blog post about the first trimester when I was pregnant with Axel and while there are some similarities, most of my experience has been different this time around. For example, I’m not experiencing the same frequency of urination as the first time around, my boobs haven’t changed in size, I have an annoying lower back pain that might be sciatica, and I’m so repulsed by meat (mainly red meat and pork) that I think this child has already decided he or she will be a vegetarian!! I’m also feeling a lot less round ligament pain, and that’s probably because my body has done this before and those ligaments have already done their fair share of stretching. One thing that remained the same during both first trimesters were the frequent migraines. I had about a dozen of them over the course of 10 weeks. I’m very thankful to have my husband at home with me during this time (his industry was laid off due to COVID-19) because it would have been challenging looking after Axel while I was incapacitated by migraine (I suffer from complex migraine, which involves aura, weakness and numbness, aphasia, and headache). Also, the exhaustion! Obviously I would have managed daily life with a toddler while exhausted from pregnancy, but I’m not complaining about having the extra help. :)

Being pregnant during a global pandemic sure does add anxiety to the experience. I feel more vulnerable (well, I am more vulnerable), and a simple task such as grocery shopping is very stressful. But I’ve been staying safe and going out as little as possible to keep myself and my family healthy. I’m already at 18 weeks pregnant at the time of writing this and we have our anatomy scan next week so my next update will be very exciting, so stay tuned!!